Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

The REAL Power of Automation



I’ve been marinating on this topic for a loooong time, my friend.   This conversation is heavily influenced by my friend Cate Stillman’s book Body Thrive (which I highly recommend!).  You can check it out here:   This is about more than an email autoresponder series.  This is about managing your energy so you can show up as the best CEO you can be.  I’m talking today about the true power of automating habits and tasks in your business and your life.   Automating habits relinquish your energy from having to worry about certain activities over and over again.  Which then frees up energy for you to do the things you LOVE and that move your business (and your life) forward! Here are 10 things you can automate: Cleaning the house - who’s in charge of what chores?  Kendra Hennessey’s Mother Like a Boss podcast is perfect for getting more efficient with how you run your home!  Meal Prepping - spend 1-2 days each week making your food for the week Check out my