Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

How to Scale from Just You to a 7 Figure Agency with Lauren Davenport of Symphony Agency - The Great 8



I’ve had the pleasure of watching the incredible growth of my friend Lauren Davenport for years now.  Her company Symphony Agency is in my backyard (Tampa/St. Petersburg) and I’ve seen her go from a solo service provider to running a multi 7 figure business with 20+ employees.  Symphony Agency ( is a full service marketing company that provides innovative strategies and implementation for their clients, both digitally and traditionally.  But it didn’t start that way.    During this incredible interview with Lauren, we get deep into her journey as an entrepreneur.  How she started in 2010 as a social media strategist and manager (that’s what we would call it now...back then it didn’t have quite that sophisticated of a title) and why she uprooted her entire business and moved to a city where she knew NO ONE (there was a very strategic business reason behind this!).  She shares about what she did to establish herself and her brand in a new market and how she eventually learned how to su