Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

An Inside Look at What's Been Going on With My Business - Sharing It All



Girl, I am taking you deep and detailed into what’s been going on in my business over the past few months!     Why?     Because I want to share with you some practical strategies I’ve been implementing that have (and have not) been working so you can have some real tools to walk away with! And...because I want to make sure you see a real life case study of just how imperfect this journey is ;)     During this episode, I’m sharing… What my plan was in July when I launched the new Meditation for Women podcast...and what actually happened in those first few months instead! How and why I launched my new podcast imperfectly...on purpose. Why I did very little to market the Meditation for Women podcast in the first 3 months after it launched (even though it was my plan to do so). A big surprise that happened that opened up new revenue and a new direction for Biz Women Rock. Specific social media strategies I’ve implemented recently to grow the Meditation for Women podcast. The two monetization strategies