Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

Behind the Scenes of an Online Life Coaching Business with Kali Rogers



Kali Rogers is the founder of Blush, a company who provides online life coaching support to young millennial women who are are experiencing stress, anxiety and confusion about their careers, relationships, finances or are going through a quarter life crisis.     During this interview, we dive deep into why she chose to build her counseling practice as an online business, how she avoided the mass amounts of licensure issues that could have come from doing business this way, and why and how she’s structured the pay model as she has (it’s $79/mo for 2 sessions with one of her licensed therapists).     Kali talks about a significant turning point in her business...when she rebranded and how powerfully that process and getting clear about WHO Blush is and WHO it serves and HOW she does it...and the three actions she took from this moment that have resulted in stratospheric growth for her business!   Lastly, Kali shares her biggest lesson she’s learned thus avoid COMPETITION!  To stay in her own lane and t