Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

Optimize Your Business Results By Knowing Your Cycles with Pleasance Silicki



Pleasance Silicki is all heart and soul.  She is formally trained in Ayurvedic medicine, a teacher of yoga and uses those principles to build a life she loves every single day.  She was a former school principal and then owned her own yoga studio for years. Now, she helps women build lives they love, using the foundational teachings of Ayurvedic medicine.  She’s a dedicated mom, wife and changemaker.   I asked Pleasance to come on the show today because she came into the Biz Women Rock Academy earlier this year and talked about how knowing our cycles - our menstrual cycles, the lunar cycles - and our natural ways of being because of these cycles can have MASSIVE impacts on not only how we approach out business, but the results we’re getting.     The Master Class continues to be one of the most popular of the Academy, so I brought her here to you to dive deeper into that conversation.     Warning: if you already are contemplating skipping this episode because you’re thinking it’s a little too “soft,” I promise