Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

How to Niche to Earn More Revenue and Create Your Ideal Life with Mindy Totten



They say that the Riches are in the Niches...but how does this actually work?  Today’s conversation with Mindy Totten will give you a really practical and robust answer to that question!   Mindy is a bodywork therapist who specializes in Cranial Sacral Therapy...a very specific technique that she was introduced to years ago when she herself used it as a way to heal her own chronic pain.     During this incredible conversation, Mindy shares about why she decided to niche down her practice - shifting from “offering everything” to becoming the go-to expert for Cranial Sacral Therapy.  And, HOW she did it.  She goes over very specific strategies she did in order to get her current clients on board and how she grew her practice from there.   We also discuss the BIG QUESTIONS you can ask yourself that will help you become clear on where you should put your time and effort as you are on your own you know where and how to niche your own services and, ultimately, how to design the life you really want to