Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

Make More Money With Your Current Clients with Whitney Bishop



Whitney Bishop is a brilliant business strategist who focuses her genius helping Non-Profit Leaders.  Her company, The Non-Profit Leaders Network is contracted by non-profit organizations searching for professional development that makes a difference for them.  Think team trainings, masterful meetings, strategic planning, retreats, etc.   Since the beginning of the year, Whitney has been doing something that would scare most of us...she’s been not going after new clients - or implemented any new marketing that would attract new clients.     She’s just been focusing on giving exquisite care to her current clients.     And that paradigm shift has boosted her revenues another $50,000 so far this year (and we’re not even done with the year!).     During this enlightening conversation, Whitney shares why she made this shift to focus on her current clients and how that actually looks.     We discuss how being committed to servicing her current clients has allowed her to go “an inch wide and a mile deep,” as I like