Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

What Led Her to Become a Self-Published Author & Teacher with Laura Petersen



When Laura Petersen decided to write and self-publish a book in 30 days, there was no option for her not to do it.  And after her book How to Grow Your Podcast Brand & Business with Compelling Copy hit #1 in Amazon for a few significant categories, it was no surprise that others came to her to see how she did it and how she could help them.   But, just like all entrepreneurial paths, Laura’s was far from straight.  A self-proclaimed academic nerd turned school teacher, her current business model has been created from an amalgamation of her experiences and her gifts.     Her podcast, Copy That Pops helps her share information about compelling copy for business owners.  And now, she’s sought after by podcasters and business owners alike to help them write their books and leverage them to grow their businesses.     During this conversation, Laura dives right in to how she organizes herself so that she is efficient with her time and gets things done!   We also discuss the lesson she (and most of us) continue