Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

BWR 007: Shama Kabani: The Zen Master of Social Media & Digital Marketing



In 2008, Shama was a college student fascinated with social media. She wrote a paper on why people use Twitter (back when Twitter had just 2,000 users!) and ignited a flame of interest that has only brightened since. Out of sheer curiosity and passion, she began speaking and writing on the topic and quickly earned a reputation as someone who really got it. Her book, The Zen of Social Media Marketing, is one of Amazon's best sellers and is used as a part of the curriculum in many universities. She's been named one of the top 30 under 30 Entrepreneurs in America and Entrepreneur Magazine has labeled her THE Zen Master of Marketing. Her unique vantage point about the power of social media has proven successful for her company. Experiencing 400% growth annually since she began in 2009, her team of 30 manages the full range of digital marketing needs. She's a total rockstar!