Awaken The Guardian

Present Or Presence |145



Does your family want presents or do they want your presence? In this episode of the Tactical Businessman Gerritt talks about connecting with your children. Do we come home and manage our relationship with our children like we do with work relationships? Sometimes it’s hard to switch off the CEO and Commander and we come home and just bark orders. Some of our work patterns don’t translate well in a family environment. Follow along in this challenging episode and be inspired for a deeper connection with your children.  Do you struggle to find the time to invest in yourself, family, AND your business? It doesn't have to be that way. Find out more at: -- The Tactical Businessman is a podcast committed to one thing: Empowering people to find the answers they already know exists. Gerritt Bake is a retired SWAT officer and former undercover detective ready to equip you with the tools, tactics, and techniques needed to achieve success in every facet of your life. There is an ap