Selling!! #1 Real Estate Agent Marketing, Leads, Coaching, Advice, Training, Tom Ferry, Brian Buffini, Gary Vaynerchuck, Gra

Differentiate Your Business or Drown In The Sea of Sameness - BrandFace



I hope you are killing it at the game of life.  Every week I bring on someone that i think can add something to your business and life.  Its a strange market out there and the people who are winning are the ones that are adding the most perceived value to the market.  Heres a fact---most realtors look and sound the same and because most  realtors look and sound the same consumers see them as a commodity.  Whats the difference between shell gas and arco gas?  Isnt gas just gas?  Or is there something special about the Shell gas---oh yeah---its shell with techron.  I dont buy arco gas----I pay a little more the the Vpower techron gas.   At the end of the day-----maybe gas is just gas---I dont know if Techron is even real but, that hook has hooked me on the Shell brand for years.    Does your business have its own version of Techron?   let me take a step back.  Right now----almost every realtor in America is facing the same issues of inventory----which is really astounding that right now the country as a whole h