Dusty Futon

Velour - Dusty Futon Musicians Podcast



Velour is a good old bluesy rock band where they guys actually call themselves “late bloomers.” I wouldn’t call them old, but they do get all of our 80’s references, and start right off with quoting the movie “Spinal Tap” before we even get to introductions. Two Steve’s and a James make up the current iteration of Velour. Stick around to the end of the episode to hear how the “second” Steve got the nickname “Steph” and “Astro!” Steve (not Steph) resurrected the name "Velour" here in San Diego from an earlier iteration in New Orleans…with these guys. We have TONS of fun with stories, how-to’s, insights, and general banter that keeps the energy up in this episode. The guys share their opinions about the local music scene, which many musicians refer to as “Pay-To-Play” and remarking on the “clever” ways venues come up with to avoid paying artists…including Drink Tickets and bar tabs. We recognize their hard work by showcasing three songs from their first EP as a band, “Right on Time for Being Late” 19:06 – “I Do