Dusty Futon

Navajo Live - Singer Songwriter Showcase 10-21-18 EPISODE 2



The Navajo Live in East County San Diego invited The Dusty Futon to cover their Singer Songwriter Showcase that happened on October 21st, 2018.  Spicy's hubby was chosen to perform so we happily obliged!  Their next one is on November 18th, 2018...so put it in your calendar now!  The Singer Songwriter Showcase has a unique design to its presentation and gives you access to three different artists, all playing one song at a time, taking turns, for an entire hour.  The Navajo Live puts this event on monthly for San Diego's local talent!  And...they do much more than that... Episode 2 starts off with Chris Miller having a few words before we chat with Mark Foulk about his experience in performing.  Alyssa Darby joins us to share how her "career" as a Singer Songwriter began and Mark Foulk chimes in as well. Future DustyFuton.com guest Craig Shannon adds a few words to the conversation before Emily Bartell shares how she's involved with the Singer Songwriter Showcase at The Navajo Live in East County!  Look out N