Dusty Futon

The Jackstones - Dusty Futon Musicians Podcast



Rick and Andy might be the lead writers of this Cover Band turned Original, but George and Bjorn definitely contribute something to The Jackstones other than their instruments.  The Jackstones turned original in 2014 but these guys have been playing together for over a decade before that happened.  The band name back then was "The Clams"...and they had a female lead singer.  THAT RIGHT THERE should tell you the tone of our conversation... We start with barely getting through intros as Big Jon can't seem to find his notes, and Spicy is nowhere to be found, but we easily get right into the swing of it thanks to this feral foursome of fun guys! Bjorn barely gets a word in edgewise as Andy and George dominate the conversation while we talk about their two albums.  Their first album, "What Brings You Here", got them a nomination for "Country Album of the Year" with the IMA'a (even though they aren't really country) and they just kept going.  We play their hit single from that album, "She Dyed It Red," and then lis