Legally Enlightened With Lisa Fraley

EP91: Heather Alice Shea on Finding the Courage to Listen to Your Intuition



In this episode, intuitive guide Heather Alice Shea and I talk about how to tap into your intuition, the role intuition can play for you in your work, and how your intuition can positively impact your daily decisions. Heather took a courageous leap by creating a professional intuitive coaching program based on scientific research. She’s dedicated to helping others have a deeper understanding of intuition and how to step into really owning their intuitive gifts.  More about Heather: Heather Alice Shea, M.S., is an Intuitive Life Coach, Life Coach Trainer, and Intuition Educator who helps emerging coaches hone and own their innate intuitive abilities and create one-of-a-kind platforms that book their business solid. She is the founder of Atmana Coaching Academy, the world’s first Intuitive Life Coach Training & Business Development Company that formally integrates intuition into the coaching process. She is the host of The Everyday Intuitive Podcast, and her work has been featured in top publications like