Hatch The Future

HTF 027: Happy Brain Science



HTF 027: Happy Brain Science “We go about pursuing happiness backwards. We think once we accomplish our goals we’ll be happy, but science shows that happiness is essential as a first step to accomplishing our goals.”   Can we be truly happy at work? Science says yes. Hear from two leaders who have made it their mission to make you happy. When these experts say happiness, they mean deep, sustained well-being. New research on happiness is comforting. Learn what you can do to bring your “prime brain real estate online” and improve your life in ways that will make you a more satisfied person. This is not based on opinion, but backed by science.     Host Amy Pearl, Executive Director, Hatch Innovation   Guests Scott Crabtree, Chief Happiness Officer, Happy Brain Science Ayla Lewis, Speaker and Facilitator, Happy Brain Science In this episode you’ll learn Why happiness -- “subjective well being“ -- could change your life. Happier people are more successful, make more money, have more satisfying relationships, and