Hatch The Future

HTF 017: Reflecting on a Nuclear Legacy



Reflecting on a Nuclear Legacy When your family is from Hiroshima, you have strong feelings about the nuclear age, war, and its legacy.Who better to talk about the fallout of our nuclear past than artists? And better, artists who come from cities that were affected and involved. Visual artist Yukiyo Kawano takes her grandmother’s kimono and sews replicas of the bombs that were dropped on her city. She has made Little Boy and Fat Man sewn with her own hair. In a new creation, she has partnered with performance artist Meshi Chavez and poet Allison Cobb to create “A Moment in Time.” How is art an act of activism? Host Amy Pearl, Hatch Innovation Guests Yukiyo Kawano, Visual Artist Yukiyo Kawano, a third generation hibakusha (nuclear bomb survivor) grew up decades after the bombing of Hiroshima. Her work is personal, reflecting lasting attitudes towards the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Kawano’s main focus is her/our forgetfulness, her/our dialectics of memory, issues around cultural politics, and historica