Spun Today With Tony Ortiz

#162 – 9/11 Never Forget (Re-release)



In this special edition episode of the Spun Today Podcast, you’ll hear a collection of first hand experiences, from New Yorkers that lived through the events of 9/11. Memories are fleeting and have a way of fading away into a once-upon-a-time haze that we seldom revisit and when we do, they just seem like surreal experiences. I think that an important component to history not repeating itself, is continuing to share and speak about our learned experiences. Where were you during the events of 9/11?   Special thanks to: Jacey Rosa, to my Father Segundo Ortiz, to David Ortiz, Janet Velez, Yudy Azurdia, Raul Azurdia, Zoila Ortiz, Elaine Almonte & Steven Almonte.   The Spun Today Podcast is a Podcast that is anchored in Writing & Random Rants, but unlimited in scope. Give it a whirl.   Twitter: https://twitter.com/spuntoday Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spuntoday/ Website: http://www.spuntoday.com/home Newsletter: http://www.spuntoday.com/subscribe     Links referenced in this episode: 9/11: TIMELIN