Positive Productivity With Kim Sutton

PP 688: Setting A New Season, A New Reason



 “We deserve to be able to have fun in everything that we're doing.” - Kim Sutton Welcome to the new season of Positive Productivity Podcast!  Thank you for tuning in for the past 600+ episodes and for being with us along this journey. Your support is greatly encouraging.  Like to many areas of our life, 2021 sees the Positive Productivity podcast evolving and adapting to the times. In today’s episode, Kim shares her great reset and new changes to look forward to! If you are feeling tired, stressed out, or unhappy in your business, this podcast is for you. Like our past seasons, the focus is still on simplifying your business, so you can have more time to do the things that truly make you happy and feel alive. Jump in and let's start the year with an inspiring topic to keep you motivated and find enjoyment in your work.       Check out my website for shownotes Follow Kim on: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Highlights: 00:59 Cutting Back 05:49 Stop SHOULDING! 09:44 How To Play In Your Business 19:45 2021 New The