Spun Today With Tony Ortiz

#058 – Free-Writing Session



In this episode I speak about UFC 204, UFC 205, watching a childhood favorite movie of mine that I completely forgot existed; Toy Soldiers, starting to watch the USA show; Mr. Robot, a ‘high-road’ way out for Donald Trump and I also read and reflect on some free-writing, which is located at: http://www.spuntoday.com/freewriting/.   Links referenced in this episode: Dan Henderson’s Punch that became his Logo: https://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/ElcSAhlxbBz3yxK_Ud1HdAmuU_o=/0x61:500x342/1600x900/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/imported_assets/762521/Dan-Henderson-Michael-Bisping-115.jpg Dan Henderson’s Logo: http://fighterxfashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/dan-henderson-ufc-173-walkout-shirt.jpg   Toy Soldiers imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103112/   Fill out my 5-question survey if you’re passionate about your craft. I’ll share your insight and motivation on the Podcast: http://www.spuntoday.com/questionnaire/   Check out my Book: Make Way for You – Tips for getting out of your own way http://www.spuntoday.com/books/ (