Spun Today With Tony Ortiz

Avoid a Purposeless Journey



This is an excerpt from the book: Make Way for You.  Feel free to check it out: http://www.spuntoday.com/books   Avoid a Purposeless Journey I SPENT a large part of my life motivated by the wrong type of motivation. The wrong type of ‘what success meant’. Always falling short of unattainable goals (while in that mind set) because the litmus test to gauge that success was and is a bad indicator. We shouldn’t allow money and materials to dictate our drive … that’s a purposeless journey. Those things are and should always be treated as being an added plus, a byproduct. Aside from the essentials (which to me are a given); Family, health, true Friendships … I’ve found myself realizing what true success is. What it is and means to me. To others it may be different, or not yet realized. Having a positive outlook is key. That’s a prerequisite. Self-awareness and being centered. Knowing yourself, what you want and don’t want and actually acting accordingly … not just going with the flow and waiting for change to come