Spun Today With Tony Ortiz

#044 - Random Rant



In this episode I speak about a couple YouTube shows that I'm into; Dana White's Lookin' for a Fight via the UFC channel and Action Bronson's Fuck that's Delicious via the Vice channel. I speak about a new character development feature I'm messing with on Scrivener, some 2016 election info, Federal Reserve stress tests and the possibility of a deep recession between 2016-2019 per Economist and Investor John Mouldin.   Links referenced in this episode:  John Mouldin's website (sign up to his free Newsletter "Thoughts from the Frontline" if you want to better understand Wall Street, Global Markets and the drivers of the world economy): http://www.mauldineconomics.com Dana White: Lookin' for a fight YouTube show: http://youtu.be/_9bPA38TaJ0 Action Bronson's Fuck that's Delicious: http://youtu.be/jYCNjMnzWiE Fill out my 5-question survey if you’re passionate about your craft. I’ll share your insight and motivation on the Podcast: http://www.spuntoday.com/questionnaire/ Order prints of my Photography (Posters, Can