Spun Today With Tony Ortiz




This is an excerpt from the book: Make Way for You.  Feel free to check it out: http://www.spuntoday.com/books   TAKING THE POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE ROUTE THINGS CAN always be worse, but they can always be better too. It’s up to you to decide which route to take when you reach that fork in your decision – making road. Of course things are going to happen that are out of your control or that set you off course and take you in a different direction than you intended to be going in … but that’s when your resolve and dedication to your path kick into over-drive … or doesn’t. It may seem nonsensical, but your mood and general outlook play a general guiding role in that. If you decide to beat yourself up and dwell on the negativity, you’re refusing to move forward. Even if you think you are, or are capable of still moving forward, you’re not. You’re fooling yourself. That negativity snowballs and grabs other negative aspects of your life and areas that you feel you can be doing better in, and brings them to the forefro