Spun Today With Tony Ortiz

How will you use your 24 Hours?



This is an excerpt from the book: Make Way for You.  Feel free to check it out: http://www.spuntoday.com/books   How will you use your 24 Hours? CATCH UP mode. You can’t really make up for lost time … it’s over, it’s done. But you can absolutely change your downward trajectory and begin to aim upward. Get yourself into a groove. Into the zone. Your zone. Where only you can be. A one person, unique membership. A one-of-a-kind place whose replica doesn’t exist. It can’t exist. You make it what it is, what it can be and what it can’t be. No more excuses. Find the time. Make the time for whatever it is that you need to do for you. Whatever goal you have. Begin to put in the work … now. No, literally right now. We all get 24 hours each day … how will you choose to use yours?   Music: Possible by Ross Bugden: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BY0U432m8W0