Ultima Final Fantasy | The Ultimate Final Fantasy Podcast

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord



My Life as a Darklord   Director(s) Hiroyuki KanekoProducer(s) Takamasa ShibaHiroaki IwanoDesigner(s) Hiroyuki KanekoArtist(s) Yasuhisa IzumisawaWriter(s) Motomu ToriyamaSachie HiranoComposer(s) Kumi TaniokaSeries Final FantasyPlatform(s) WiiWareRelease JP: June 30, 2009[2]PAL: July 17, 2009[1]NA: July 20, 2009[3]   announced on March 25th, 2009   A demo version was released for download for free on the Wii Shop channel for a short time in early 2010. STORY   The story is set after the events of My Life as a King and is about the daughter of the Darklord, who after her 16th Birthday becomes a Darklord herself and decides to start a war again, trying to defeat all the do-gooders who attack her floating castle, which she takes from town to town, igniting war.   Anyway, she has a bunch of Tonberry servants that are tasked with finding famous heroes for her to destroy, but her biggest lead, a group the Tonberries called “The Striped Brigands”, turns out not to have any treasure.   Next, they find an Adventurer