Ultima Final Fantasy | The Ultimate Final Fantasy Podcast

Minisode: Literature Origins of the Four Fiends of Final Fantasy IV



Dante Travels with Virgil through the 9 circles of hell Limbo Lust Gluttony Greed Anger Herasy Violence Fraud Treachery The 8th circle is made up of Bolgias Panderers and Seducers Flatterers Simoniacs Sorcerers Corrupt Poloticians Hypocrites Thieves Fraudulant advisors Sowers of Discord Falsifiers 5th Bolgia Corrupt poloticians, emersed in a lake of boiling tar - represents "sticky fingers" Alichino (derived from Arlecchino, the harlequin) Barbariccia ("Curly Beard") Cagnazzo ("Nasty Dog) Calcabrina (possibly "Grace Stomper") Ciriatto ("Wild Hog") Draghignazzo ("Big Nasty Dragon") Farfarello (possibly "Goblin") Graffiacane ("Dog Scratcher") Libicocco (possibly "Libyan Hothead") Malacoda, the leader ("Evil Tail"[1]) Rubicante (possibly "Red-faced Terror" and a reference to Cante de' Gabrielli, who as Podestà of Florencecondemned Dante to exile) Scarmiglione (possibly "Trouble Maker") And how they connect with Final Fantasy IV. Much of our older content references sites that no longer exist. If you would