Gordon And Mike's Ict Podcast

4K Ultra High Definition Television [22:37]



Title: 4K Ultra High Definition Television  Introduction High definition has meant 1080p (1,920 by 1,080) resolution for years now, and it's ready for an upgrade. That's where 4K, also called ultra high-definition, or UHD, television comes in. 4K is finally a mature, accessible technology. In this podcast we take a close look at UHD 4K technology referencing a PC Magazine post.   Updates  First some continued bad news on the security front … Businesses pay $100,000 to DDoS extortionists who never DDoS anyone – Dan Goodin http://arstechnica.com/security/2016/04/businesses-pay-100000-to-ddos-extortionists-who-never-ddos-anyone/ Out-of-date apps put 3 million servers at risk of crypto ransomware infections – Dan Goodin http://arstechnica.com/security/2016/04/3-million-servers-are-sitting-ducks-for-crypto-ransomware-infection/ Now for a little good news … Petya Ransomware's Encryption Defeated and Password Generator Released – Lawrence Abrams http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/petya-ransomwares-encr