Gordon And Mike's Ict Podcast

FCC Spectrum Auction 2016 [32:00]



Intro On Wednesday, March 30, 2016 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) started a three-year process of making our mobile internet even faster and better. The government is buying underused TV airwaves and selling it to mobile carriers for billions of dollars. These radio waves—also known as spectrum—will shape mobile US connectivity as streaming video continues to swallow up bandwidth across the country and as we inch closer to 5G internet speeds. In this podcast, we discuss the auction process. Updates Ransomware Evolution is Really Bad News ­ - Angela Alcorn Recently, 10 hospitals in Maryland operated without access to their central network because their domain servers were locked by a ransomware known as Samsam http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/ransomware-evolution-is-really-bad-news-microsoft-edge-will-intelligently-pause-flash-tech-news-digest/ Victims paid more than $24 million to ransomware criminals in 2015 — and that's just the beginning – Dan Turkel The DOJ revealed that the Internet Crime Compla