Gordon And Mike's Ict Podcast

The Jester and DoS, Preventing Attacks, Seizure of Domain Names and Other Topics [32:30]



In this episode, we discuss a wide range of topics, including:  - The Jesters denial of service attack on the Westboro Baptist Church website. - How one might prevent such attacks - The seizure of domain names by the Department of Homeland Security - The treatment of Bradley Manning - Google and bugs in Flash - A 16-year old girl that may have hacked HBGary  - Skype and encryption data leaks and, finally - How the events in Japan may effect iPad2 availability. Layer 7 Denial of Service attacks: th3j35t3r's assault on Westboro Baptist Church Website Continues https://www.infosecisland.com/blogview/12400-Assault-on-Westboro-Baptist-Church-Website-Continues.html Live Performance Report for Westboro Church Website: four sites held down 24 days from a single 3G cellphone:  http://uptime.netcraft.com/perf/graph?site=www.godhatesfags.com Defense techniques: Protecting a Web server with a Load-Balancer  http://samsclass.info/124/proj11/proj15-haproxy.html Protecting a Web server with mod_security (a Web Application F