Sean Vs. Wild

EP22 - Christian Thompson - Falling In Reverse - Part 1 - Sean Vs Wild Podcast



Greetings and Salutations to my Wildlings on the Wildernet! Today's episode is the first of a special TWO-PART conversation with Christian Thompson of Falling In Reverse. Christian and Sean sit down over a gallon of water and a pint of Yuengling to catch up on old times, and discuss Christian's long journey from Louisville Metro to Los Angeles County. Christian talks about learning guitar, Myspace connections, the art of the sleeveless t-shirt, his influences, the dangers of economical brewskies, cutting teeth in local bands, moving to California, skating vert, and ultimately becoming the guitarist for Falling In Reverse. Christian also gives his insights on the new record, his contributions to the album, and what it's like having an album at the top of the Billboard Charts! Tune in and get wild for Part One of our conversation on the Sean Vs Wild Podcast!   Christian's Links: BUY "COMING HOME" ON iTUNES HERE: