Quicken Loans Zing Podcast

How to Lose Weight or Quit Smoking



If you’re like many Americans, the start of a new year brings with it the excitement and promise of self-improvement. Around half of us commit to a New Year’s resolution every year, according to a University of Scranton study in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, but only around 8% of people are successful in achieving their resolution. But we’re not here to dampen your spirits – quite the opposite. On this episode of the podcast we take two of the most popular New Year’s resolutions – losing weight and quitting smoking, and talk to a couple of experts about how you can maximize your chances of seeing those commitments through. Psychotherapist Victoria Duda helps us understand the root causes of addictions and provides some helpful advice on how to rid yourself of an unwanted habit. We’re also joined by Tessa Ferrier, personal trainer, who provides helpful insight into how to approach weight loss from a diet and exercise standpoint. Tune in and let us help you see your New Year’s resolution through to com