Wordplay Pr

A Picture Paints a Thousand Words



In this podcast, WordPlay PR Director Penny Smits interviews experienced news and event photographer Luka Kauzlaric. Luka has taken a broad range of images for international clients, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Topics covered include: - Why newsrooms are increasingly reliant on supplied images to be submitted with press releases (including profile photos) and the opportunities this presents for smaller organisations. - The key ingredients needed for a great photo - The questions Luka asks clients before taking images for brand purposes. APOLOGIES: Luka was out 'in the field' when this interview was taken, so sincere apologies for the quality of the phone audio. To read a full transcribe of the interview, please visit http://www.wordplaypr.com.au/connect/ -------- Luka's website: www.releaseimages.com.au Project Brand: www.projectbrand.eventbrite.com