Marvel Cinematic University

AVENGERS: ENDGAME – Recap & Reactions (with Michael Smith and Robin Lundberg)



The Avengers might be in the Endgame now, but Marvel Cinematic University is just getting started. We are BACK to discuss the biggest film event in possibly ever: Avengers: Endgame. The regular crew of Jake, Jerome, Anthony, and Nitz is joined by two very special guests: ESPN’s Michael Smith and SI’s Robin Lundberg. We talk favorite scenes, our theater experiences, and so much more (look at the runtime of this pod), yet you can argue we just scratched the surface. Thanks for listening and we will be back soon. Follow Michael: @MichaelSmith Follow Robin: @RobinLundberg Follow Jake: @TheJakeChristie Follow Nitz: @nitzbluv Follow Jerome: @blackdragonroll Follow Anthony: @ACSSpotlight95