Hollywood Backbone

Episode 10 - Associate Producer - Aline Robey



We made it to 10 episodes! i suppose thats not technically an amazing feat, but it makes me happy. This week, Mariam Khwajazada is back again as our co-host (always happy to have her on) and we talk to Associate Producer Aline Robey. I had completely forgotten that we had been working in the industry almost the same amount of time (she's got 3 months on me). We discuss how she made to trek from Hawaii to work through the ranks of Hollywood. We learn about the role associate producing plays behind the scenes, the perks of being a member of the Producer's Guild (hello movie screeners!!) and what it's like to be hugged by a naked Oscar nominee. As always, if you have any follow-up questions or comment, please contact us on twitter @HWBBpodcast, Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HWBBPodcast/, or email us at hollywoodbackbone@gmail.com Don't forget to Rate and Review us on iTunes!