Just Ask Joey

Just Ask Joey Ep.49 - What Are You An Example Of?



Guess what? People are watching you, all the time. Creepy, huh? Yes and no. They are looking at you because you are an example. The type of man or woman you are, parent, coworker, employee, boss, spouse, partner, etc. What do they see? What are you an example of? Is it good or bad? Either way, they are watching, taking notes, and you are either showing them how to do it or how not to do it. What are you showing them? Please find me on social media (below) for any follow up questions. I am here to help! You can also find this as a vlog: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMNgK_ecm_SB665YWMNYuQg To submit questions, please connect with me on: Twitter - https://twitter.com/JustOneJoey1 Snapchat - JustOneJoey (or use the code in the video) Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/just_one_joey/ LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/joey-reghitto-453508110 People submitting Q's will be anonymous (unless you want a shout out on the video. Please specify when submitting Q). Joey Reghitto is the author of Pris