Brower Home Power Hour

3-8-20: Coronavirus safety in the home. Dr. Tom Hopkins has some suggestions.



Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small start the show with a conversation getting into the values of a healthy home. There are many things to consider for the house and Duane describes some of the elements to consider. Some may be obvious but others not so much. Utilities are a very significant element of your opportunity to maximize efficiency in your home’s operating expense. Knowing your options vs the utility pricing could vary the decision considerably. Duane explains the process to help in the evaluation with some great case study description. If you’re considering upgrades for your home, be sure to listen in. It’s well worth your time. This is a special segment with a guest interview with Dr. Tom Hopkins addressing the preventative steps you can take in the home to address both Coronavirus and the common flu, a much more devastating disease in our society currently. Very good reminders that can fall by the wayside as the concerns mount. Dr. Tom spoke about some of the critical elements nec