Friar Side Chats

#68 | Manifestation of Love



"Love is patient, love is kind, love is..." We all know the classic wedding day reading from Saint Paul. But for many of us, that very first virtue eludes us most days: Patience. In a world that seems to push back against slowness, rest, love of enemy, and letting go of control, it's especially essential that we learn how to cultivate patience in our daily lives. Join us for the latest Friar Side Chats episode as we explore this underappreciated virtue! From the fruits of patience in our relationships, to reorienting ourselves to God's time, to Fr. Mike's own weakness in patience—it's an episode you won't want to miss. After all, we're recipients of Jesus' patience (and love) every day, even in our worst moments. Isn't it time for us to grow in patience (and love) for ourselves and others?