The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Conscious Masculinity - TCW59



It's been in the works for over two years now, but the stars have finally aligned and my co-host this time around is none other than Dr. Robert Glover of 'No More Mr. Nice Guy' fame. If you know anything about this guy's work, you've already figured out that he and I think a lot alike when it comes to how masculinity and femininity ignite each other. Well, in this episode we engage the epic topic of how to be a quintessentially high quality masculine man. What's more, we reveal how to be intentional about it in a way that demonstrates you know exactly what you're doing. I can double-dog guarantee you that once you've taken in this fluff-free hour of top-notch content you'll be igniting femaleness like some sort of masculine pyromaniac (which is a very good thing). Just to make sure this episode truly blows you away, we also answer a voice mail from Robert in Indiana on how to raise our sons to be real men. Have you taken advantage of all the inexpensive but action-packed Kindle e-books on Amazon yet? If not,