Blerd Vision

EP13: But Who Really Killed Glenn? (AKA "Put on the Suit, Logan!")



Like Jean Grey as The Phoenix - Blerd Vision rises from the ashes of its hiatus with a breakdown & review of the Logan Red Band trailer AND the season premiere of The Walking Dead! Will Logan buck the trend of past X-men and Wolverine solo movie flops? Who REALLY killed Glenn? One half of Blerd Vision says Rosita (and is totally wrong lol) - the other says Daryl. Spoilers abound in the season 1 finale of Blerd Vision. Yes. Yes, there are seasons. Be sure to tune in next week for DCTV coverage, geek news and MORE! Let us know your thoughts on the movie in the comments section or on Instagram and be sure to leave us an iTunes Review if you like the podcast! It's great to finally be back, guys.