Live Lean Tv With Brad Gouthro

How To Build Your Own Meal Plan



Here’s how to “dial in” your nutrition and finally get the results you work hard for. Step 1. Set Your Nutritional Goals. You should first and foremost have a daily calorie goal. Then to take things even further you can decide what type of calories you’ll have by choosing your macronutrient goals. Most average size adults require at least 2000 calories per day (rough estimate based on general activity level) and often even more for athletes, but to figure out YOUR unique calorie needs you can calculate your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), then adjust for your activity level. Step 2. Break your calories down to Meal Goals based on how many meals/snacks you like to have per day. For myself and most of my clients I plan based on 5 meals per day. 3 main meals, 1 smoothie/post workout snack and one snack or dessert. Divide your total daily calorie goal by the number of meals you wish to have to determine your per meal goals. For example: If your daily calorie goal is 2000 and you wish to have 5 meals per day then e