Live Lean Tv With Brad Gouthro

Steroids, Cheat Meal Macros, Training For Muscle #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 060



Welcome to #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 060. This is our first podcast-only version of our fitness and nutrition Q&A show, so we're so glad you've tuned in. If you want your questions answered on the podcast, go to social media, tag us @LiveLeanTV using the #AskLiveLeanTV and we'll answer your question on the podcast (and give you a shout out). On Ep. 060 we answer questions about: #1. Steroid use for performance enhancement. #2. Sunbasket meal kit delivery. #3. Light exercises after surgery. #4. Calorie and macro amounts for cheat meals. #5. The difference between hypertrophy and strength training and which is best for building metabolically boosting muscle. #6. When to stop eating at a surplus when building muscle. #7. Can a 50 year old lose weight without exercising. #8. Casein protein. #9. If we take dextrose, glucose, or fruit to boost energy during workouts. #10. Macro counting made easy. #11. How to reduce muscle soreness i.e. DOMS #12. How do you know what macro %'s you should be using. #13. Would we eat