Live Lean Tv With Brad Gouthro

Getting Your Abs To Pop, Creatine, Resistant Starches | #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 059



What do you think of creatine for muscle building? What you think of the No Bull trainer shoes? ✔ 4:05 What is your opinion on resistant starches? ✔ 8:55 I usually avoid combining fats post-workout but you seem to include, thoughts on it? ✔ 11:13 Are most of your friends and the people you associate with living lean as well? ✔ 15:58 What's the best macro split to build muscle as a female? ✔ 19:33 Is it better to couple a fat with coffee or just coffee on its own? ✔ 22:17 Do you have any tricks for doing the abs wheel? ✔ 24:39 What happens if your question doesn't get answered? ✔ 26:23 I have never been able to get my abs to "pop", any tips? ✔ 29:40 Do you have to eat when you're not hungry?