Live Lean Tv With Brad Gouthro

Am I Eating Enough, Bread Alternatives, HR Zones | #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 058



How would you approach lower body training if my goal is to jump higher and improve agility in my sport? ✔ 5:56 I have not being consistent in Live Lean Formula for Women because I started to feel lethargic, dizzy, and tired for a month. Should I star over or where I left? ✔ 9:00 I workout 5 times per week and eat 1,400 cals, is it enough? ✔ 14:34 I recently got a hear rate monitor and I'm confused about the rate zone, how long should I spend in each? ✔ 18:19 I work out and eat clean but I wanna lower by body fat %, should I give up my cheat meal? ✔ 21:32 What is your take on metabolic types? ✔ 24:26 Sometimes I do 2 workouts in a day, is it normal to get massive headaches and flu type symptoms afterwards? ✔ 27:55 My nutritionist suggested to eat gluten and dairy free because I have sensitivity to them, do you offer gluten and dairy free recipes? Do you have any suggestions for this change in my diet? ✔ 32:07 Does the nutritional value of vegetables change if you eat them raw, broiled, boiled, etc? ✔ 34:38 W