Live Lean Tv With Brad Gouthro

WHAT'S REALLY MAKING US FAT? | Motivational Minute Ep. 007



It's time to get deep, look at ourselves in the mirror, and figure out what is really making our population fat. So many people focus on what they can’t control. A major one being the past. Guess what? The past is in the past and you have no control over it anymore. So for example, if you binged last night, or you drank too much...forget about it. Focus on what you can control, the response to that past event. Don’t let this momentary setback completely ruin your Live Lean journey. It’s not that binge on pizza or alcohol that is going to ruin your journey, it’s your response of giving up and not focusing on what they can actually control today: moving forward. For example, using those extra calories to get in a great workout. Guys, you are in complete control of your future but you have no longer have any control over what has happened in your past. But you do how control over how you react to the overeating that is going to affect your outcomes. You can make the excuses that your friends made y