Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

Episode 56: How to handle grief at work.



As we return to work after a year-long quarantine, leaders, employees, and HR professionals are finding it's not business as usual. So much was lost for so many. Too many leaders haven't been taught how to deal with grief in the workplace. What boundaries and expectations should we have for how people handle and express grief? What if you're struggling with being with co-workers who are in a depression because they lost someone near and dear to them. We all tend to hold on to grief. It’s awkward and uncomfortable to talk about. We feel like we might be judged especially if we tell other people how much we are hurting because of our losses. Kevin Ringstaff, Founder and CEO of and Grieving@Work, spent my days talking and grief and educating people on supporting friends, family, and co-workers through their grief. Listen in as Kevin, and I offer insights and solutions to help you respond in a supportive way. You can reach Kevin at HTTP://