Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

Episode 55: Downside of Being a High Achiever



Do you consider yourself a high achiever? Do you manage high achievers? High achievers - those who are always striving for perfection versus excellence - are motivated differently and if you're not aware of their differences you can burn them out. Surprisingly, most people believe they are high achievers because they work hard. However, hard work doesn't always equal a high achievement. Terry McDougall is an Executive and Career Coach and author of Winning the Game of Work: Career Happiness and Success on Your Own Terms. She works with high-achieving business owners and professionals who are "successful but not satisfied" to help them increase the overlap between their professional success and personal happiness. Terry's research indicates high achievers are paying a high price for their "success" in terms of stress, burnout, health, and relationship problems. Learn what you can do to avoid burning up and burning out at work.