Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

Reimagining Leadership for the 21st Century Workplace



You want to be a remarkable leader. It's a tall order given today we are faced with a divided nation and workforce. Employees have more choices - to work or not. More and more they want a say in the business, the culture, and career choices. Executives and HR professionals are looking for answers on how to maintain a productive workplace in the face of political and social unrest. What if we defined great leadership as one who is a skilled mentor? How would that change your view of a leader? Ian Chisholm, Co-Founder Roy Group, is on a mission to change how we think about and develop leaders. In this podcast, we talk about the biggest mistakes most leaders make and how those mistakes actually reduce their effectiveness. Listen as we share insights on having tough conversations, build stronger commitments to work, and how to redefine leadership for changing times. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit (