Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

Tony Chatman: Leading during disruptive times



So much talk is about getting past the quarantine and embracing the new normal. If you're an executive or manager then you know part of your job is to help your team navigate the effects of disruption all with an eye to keeping productivity as high as possible. In times where disruption from our normal way of doing things is the norm what do you need to do to be successful. Hear the conversation and learn 3 things you can do to lead well, be well and close the gap. As is a subject matter expert and recognized thought leader in the area of workplace relationships Tony has devoted his adult life to understanding what makes people tick, how to bring out the best in people (including ourselves), and how to pass this information on in simple, yet practical terms. He helps leaders, team members, and people from every background and diversity adopt empowering mindsets and strategies that allow them to adapt, reinvent, and transform the results they produce both personally and professionally.