Timm Talk

179. Justice League - Hearts and Minds



“Go! The conquest begins now! Emblazon my word and will across the cosmos!” This week, we’re talking Justice League Season 2 Episodes 9 and 10: Hearts and Minds, Parts 1 and 2 Featuring: John Stewart reunites with his former mentor (and flame) to take on the galaxy-dominating Despero!  Plus: What would tv shows that air within the DCAU look like?  Subscribe and review! http://bit.ly/TimmTalk (https://linktr.ee/TimmTalk) 0:00 Intro 1:21 Hearts and Minds, Parts 1 and 2 50:02 Cameron’s Question Corner 1:01:44 Bat Plugs 1:12:29 Outro  Bat Plugs Binge Mode Podcast: ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,’ Chapters 1-5 https://www.theringer.com/binge-mode/2018/6/11/17448022/harry-potter-and-the-sorcerers-stone-chapters-1-5 (https://www.theringer.com/binge-mode/2018/6/11/17448022/harry-potter-and-the-sorcerers-stone-chapters-1-5)  Avatar, the Last Airbender: The Rise of Kyoshi https://bookshop.org/books/avatar-the-last-airbender-the-rise-of-kyoshi/9781419735042 (https://bookshop.org/books/a