Living Homegrown Podcast With Theresa Loe

LH 112: Yes, Miniature Gardening is REAL Gardening



No, we are not talking about fairy gardens this week. We are discussing garden design on a teeny-tiny scale. It still involves design principals, plant choices and yes...maintenance...but with a fork instead of a rake. It can be a fun way to create the garden of your dreams without having to move the tree in your backyard. Sure you can turn a tiny garden into a fairy garden if you want to - but that something different. On today's episode, host Theresa Loe brings on Janit Calvo - a small gardening expert. They discuss Why miniature gardens are so popular, The therapeutic reasons you might want one, What makes them "real", How to create them yourself and get the scale just right, Why pathways are so important, The trick to laying teeny brick or stone, How these landscapes are perfect for people who can't get outside and Tips for creating them. As always, you can go to for a full transcript of the show and all the links mentioned.